About me
Rear of the flats my early home Dad repaired a morris cowley in that shed
remember he wrote the firing order on the wall and when he tested it with
no manifold flames shot out kids remember that
Born At Henley Beach Adelaide in the year 1943 .
- Lived at the beach side suburb of Henley absolute beach front
- My parents adopted me and told me at an early age . It was ok .
- They were good people
- My father was from the country and came to Adelaide to better himself
- I loved my parents but had some afflictions like asthma and being FAT .
- Not sure which made which anyway we had an Uncle a doctor and Mum was a nurse .
- We moved up to the hills when I was 7 . Dad built a house it took a while .
- Our temporary accommodation was a shed the walls were made of flattened oil drums hard times.But most memorable . Great memories not really hard .
- Did not like school at all but years later went to SCU as a mature age student and did a degree in media loved that . Uni had coffee carts and a bar .
- Media is my passion now . I want to connect and am building a email list.
- The reasons are many I have something to offer it's not just about selling .
- I don't need to make six figures or drive Lambo . Although I could do that .
- I am now living a quiet life in a great city Bangkok the city of angels .
- Remember when I was young there were no smart phones no TV's and no computers .
- There was radio and that was a great medium allowed one's imagination to roam. We had serials . The "Air Adventures of Biggles " was a favorite.
- I was a chef for many years and that was something I really liked feeding people . Plus I like to eat too.
- Then late in the day/life I became a Farrier Blacksmith bit of a change , still cooking But steel instead of food and with coke in a forge not on a gas range .
- Working with horses was a great time looking back I don't know how I did it so hard . I absorbed energy from the horses .
- One thing was I learned to co-operate with the horses not fight them . They liked me .There was no fear or anger around them . I could read them too their body language told the story . I knew what they were thinking . And most times that was nothing much .Like most animals they live in the Present . For that I thank them it's the only time there is .And just to add when you are under 800 pounds of animal muscle mass with a hammer and nails it's all Now .
- I guess I did some whispering . Horses are very sensitive can feel a fly land on their back .Contact is the way to go .Let the horse feel you rub against him . That way he doesn't get a shock and react .
- looking back those days spent at the local horse racing tracks were amazing and full of learning .I never gamboled the sport of kings .
- I had gotten married had three children two strapping boys and a super sweet girl . Now they are all over thirty and have lives of their own .
- Time passed and we moved on they did their education and a couple got married I am now a grandpa.
- It was about 2004 and my eyesight was going and shoeing was becoming hard to do . I had eye surgery removal of cataracts . A miracle I could see clearly like never before .
- I was semi retired but at my daughter's suggestion I enrolled for a media Degree as SCU.Lismore
- I filled out the forms as best I could . My last school was over 50 years ago . I did pass matric at Unley High in South Australia .
- I was accepted wow . It was hard at first and I almost gave up .
- Giving up was not an option it was harder than going on . I now know I have developed a Warrior mindset.
- Early in the piece I did feel out of place among all the recent high school students .
- My eyes were not so good . The reason I stopped shoeing . I went to an optometrist . As said earlier .. I had surgery.
- Turned out it wasn't glasses I needed I was getting cataracts . I had the eye surgery .
- Now I had to brace myself and the approach was slow . It was a while to the appointment .
- This is going to be done under a local anaesthetic . In the end it was easy and less traumatic than the dentist.
- The result was amazing a miracle . They did one eye at a time . The colors and just watching TV was a mindblowing psychedelic experience .
- I became a top student and graduated with honours . Something that has been a great support to me and taken me places I would not have imagined . Confidence boosting, I can do it and it taught me "I know I can " . I remember the lecturers . I loved Uni . There was a bar . Coffee carts .
- I live in Bangkok now and moved here ten years ago . It suits me to the ground .. A condo on the 23rd floor air conditioned and has fiber optic internet very fast and not expensive .
- I plan to do some more travelling and Bangkok is central to a lot of destinations . Planning to go to Taiwan and the Philippines plus do some cruising .
- At last the online thing is taking meaning for me .Glen Campbell died today . I liked his songs "Witchita Linesman" I hear it singing in the wires ...and now it's fibre optic for me light speed .

This is Haig Mansions at Henley Beach South Australia
Preserved by the National Trust

My current office/condo just arrived looking a
bit messy but got fiber optic ..and a view

The view from the 23rd floor

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