Health & Vitality
You’re doing really well in an area that is extremely challenging for most people – even for Tony Robbins himself! Although you are already at a high level of health and vitality, consider small tweaks to your diet, such as consuming more alkaline foods, and your activities, like introducing a flexibility and toning session to your workout routine each week. Even the smallest improvement can add up over time and can result in peak performance.
Mind & Meaning

What an incredible accomplishment! You’ve mastered the skill of being in control of your life instead of letting life control you. You’ve realized that the secret of success – and emotional well-being – is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. You know that life is happening for you, not to you. And that is one of the greatest powers on earth: assigning positive meaning to life events, to serve you, rather than undermine your efforts.
Love & Relationships

You are among a small group of people that are in passionate and committed relationships, one that brings far more joy than sorrow, where you feel like you have a true partner in life. You know that the quality of your life is the quality of your relationships, and you clearly have put that into action by investing time and energy into cultivating a strong, loving connection with another person.
Productivity & Performance

Wow, very impressive. Very few people have such a high level of satisfaction with their personal and professional productivity, because they always feel like there was something on their to-do list that they didn’t cross off. But you’ve taken it one step further: You likely don’t even have a to-do list. That’s right, instead of a list of tasks, you work with outcomes, and you have mastered the skill of achieving outcomes. And to do it every day? That’s amazing! After all, it’s not what you do once in a while that shapes our destiny, but what we do consistently.
Career & Business
Ever hear someone say, “I live to work, not work to live” – and immediately feel a sense of envy, that you’d like to be feeling that way? It appears that overall, you are satisfied with your chosen career, and have likely made a handful, if not dozens, of significant accomplishments. But are you truly fulfilled? Do you go to work every day feeling like it is your mission in life to do the work you do? Do the hours fly by? If not, it’s time to take action to make your life’s work something deeply meaningful and significant for you.
Wealth & Lifestyle

It looks like there is a gap between your financial status today vs. what you ultimately desire. Maybe you feel you’ve been dealt a bad card, saddled with too much debt, or haven’t had the career or investment opportunities that others have had to build wealth. Stop that thinking immediately! As Tony always says, the meeting of preparation and opportunity generates the offspring we call luck. Maybe you haven’t had as many opportunities… but how prepared are you? When it comes to building a money machine and setting yourself up for financial freedom, the best preparation you can have is education. How did billionaires become billionaires? They prepared with education and resources – and then came opportunity. Your first step to prepare should be to get a fiduciary, someone who is legally required to put your needs above their own – unlike brokers and wealth advisors who are only required to give you “suitable” advice.
Leadership & Impact
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When other people hear the word “leader,” they think of you. You have honed the ability to create immediate impact and compel lasting, positive change in others. It’s a rare skill, so cherish it! But more importantly, use it. Like a muscle, it will weaken if you do not exercise it consistently. This is your strength, and it is why you are well-suited to give back to others. Continue to contribute and you will continue to feel the joy and fulfilment that you have today, far into the future.
Learn how you can take immediate, massive action to strengthen your weakest areas.
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